Syunik Smart Center Update: Grand Opening on April 4th!

Օրհնյալ Զատիկ (“Blessed Easter”) The grand opening of our Smart Center in Syunik Province is this Easter Sunday, April 4th! Our center will offer free after-school programs to provide accessible tech education to 14-18 year-olds in Goris (including those native to the region and Artsakh refugees now displaced there). We believe that education is an

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Thank you to our Australian friends and allies!

We are extremely grateful to our Armenian-Australian allies at Hye Khoump, who just fundraised an incredible $6,670 AUD ($5,100 USD) for All for Armenia! Being on the ground in Armenia and Artsakh and receiving this support from abroad is a blessing that enables us to continue implementing solutions for people impacted by the 2020 Artsakh

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Syunik Smart Center Update

Photos from the beginning of All for Armenia’s renovation project in Syunik Province. We are transforming a room in the newly established border town of Goris into a Smart Center to teach IT skills to the youth in the community. Syunik is currently the most threatened region of Armenia in the aftermath of the 2020

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Supporting Armenian Businesses

Last week, we met with our good friend Sarkis, co-owner of Rio Bar in Yerevan. Originally from Montevideo, Uruguay, Sarkis repatriated Armenia several years ago. He now owns a business in Armenia, contributing to the economy and self-sustainability of the country. Since the beginning of the Artsakh War, Sarkis has been selflessly collaborating with All

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Sponsorship Program Update: Art Therapy

Hagopik update! Our Sponsorship Program continues to support this 5-year-old refugee from Artsakh. He LOVES his therapy workshops organized by our volunteer Marine and taught by Darya, our art therapist from Armenian Volunteer Corps. Here, Hagopik is creating the solar system, starting with planet Earth. Dream big, Hagopik. We will keep doing our best to

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First Sponsor from France!

We are excited to announce that we just received our first sponsor from France! Coincidentally, March 20th is International Francophonie Day. This year’s theme is “Femmes Francophones, Femmes Resilientes” (“Francophone Women, Resilient Women”). Our new French-Armenian sponsor, Shoushan, will support an Artsakh refugee family from the lost territories, consisting of a mother, Armine, and her

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Supporting the relocation of indigenous Armenian populations. Our team is back from a week-long mission in Artsakh with positive updates! All for Armenia is directly supporting the relocation of 2 Artsakh refugee families returning to their native regions of Martuni and Arkeran. After crossing the Lachin corridor and Shushi checkpoint, which are controlled by Russian

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First sponsor from Uruguay!

Building bridges between countries. All for Armenia is happy to announce that we have our first sponsor from Uruguay! This doctor, who requested to remain anonymous, will support the two refugee daughters of a single mother. By helping covering their monthly expenses for one year, he will provide food, hygiene, clothing, and education – and

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As All for Armenia’s Sponsorship Program continues to grow, we are always exploring new ways for sponsors to make a continuous impact on families affected by the Artsakh War. Two months ago, Julyeta applied to be a sponsor. Last month, she, along with her daughter Sofia, traveled from Los Angeles, California to Armenia  to do

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Sharing a bit of hope with our audience before the weekend. Do you remember our post about Hagopik, the five-year-old Armenian refugee child from Artsakh? Hagopik was traumatized due to cluster munitions during the 2020 Artsakh War. Thanks to All for Armenia’s sponsorship program, Hagopik is now receiving therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from

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