Last week, we met with Eli, owner of Eli’s Lahmajun. Originally from Aleppo, Eli is a Syrian-Armenian refugee who now owns his own restaurant in Yerevan, where he serves delicious Western Armenian dishes such as lahmajun, pilaf, salads, and more.
Eli has been working tirelessly since the 2020 Artsakh War to donate warm dinners from his restaurant to displaced Armenian people and wounded soldiers. He recently contacted All for Armenia and asked if he could begin donating lahmajuns to our weekly delivery missions to to Armenian families affected by the war, in which we supply food, hygiene, and clothing packages. 

As a refugee helping fellow refugees, Eli embodies resilience and solidarity. And, as an Armenian repatriate, he is an example community sustainability and unity – how Armenians work jointly to rebuild our future together.
At All for Armenia, we aim to support Armenian businesses, buy Armenian-made goods, and empower Armenian creators in all of the work we do. As we continue supporting the Armenian homeland in every way we can, we are proud to partner with Eli’s Lahmajun.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for our upcoming delivery missions, now including lahmajun, and stay tuned for our live Instagram stories documenting each step of the process.
Be sure to check out our website to see some more of our collaborators and allies. Thank you as always to our incredible donors who allow us to do this work – keep the support going at allforarmenia.org/donate.