During last week’s humanitarian delivery mission, one of our volunteers met Hagopik (little Hagop) from Artsakh, who arrived with his mother to pick up the aid. Excited to get to know the boy, our volunteer asked, “How old are you?” The five-year-old child did not answer. His mother then told us that he has not spoken since the beginning of the 2020 Artsakh War.
Through All for Armenia’s sponsorship program, you can ensure that the impacted children of Artsakh and Armenia, like Hagopik, receive therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As well as food and hygiene necessities, families affected by the Artsakh War also have psychological needs that must be attended to so that we can begin to heal as a people.
With local partnerships, All for Armenia aims to contribute to the healing and recovery of the Armenian people, and to empower the voices of those most impacted by the Artsakh War, such as Hagopik. You will speak again one day, Hagopik jan, and you will be able to tell your own story.
(Upon request of the family, we are not sharing photos of Hagopik.)